A scramble of my mumbles, rambles and trembles. Let them all rest in the blog so I don't have to crumble.
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Disneyland HK Rehearsal
I was there last sunday (28/8). Now working hard on the photos, which I have over 700 of them.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
Greek gods
I was interested in the Greek gods stories long time ago, but all I know are bits-n-pieces from different sources and articles. Never truely know the whole picture. Lately, I get a very short book introduced the gods briefly, and am able to sort out the relationship pic as shown.
Interesting enough, a lot of ancient religon / mythlogy said the universe begins with a very chaostic state: Greek said it's called Chaos; LoZi said it's called Tai Chi (太極); Genesis said there was nothing... and Stephen Hawkings said there was a big bang.
Greeks also said Chaos created 2 gods (for sky and land); LoZi said Tai Chi created 2 polar (兩儀); China ancient myth said there was gods for sky and land (盤 and 古); and Genesis said there was 2 light (for sun and moon)...
Stephen Hawkings doesn't know what's next to big bang yet.
舊年十月發病, 攪到隻右眼睇野好似加左 diffuser 咁. 當時睇左成個月有多眼科醫生, 都話病因基本上係未明, 大致同人體免疫系統有關, 屬自發性, 冇得避免, 基本要等佢自己好, 不一定可以完全根冶...
而家睇野仲係濛濛地. 今日再去睇多次醫生, 好彩 check 完佢話仲有只係好輕微既虹膜炎, 而結晶體就因此有少少混濁... 套用相機術語, 即係: 光圈生銹, 鏡頭霧化...
不過, 得一隻清楚睇野仲2D, 有助影相構圖...
而家睇野仲係濛濛地. 今日再去睇多次醫生, 好彩 check 完佢話仲有只係好輕微既虹膜炎, 而結晶體就因此有少少混濁... 套用相機術語, 即係: 光圈生銹, 鏡頭霧化...
不過, 得一隻清楚睇野仲2D, 有助影相構圖...
Energy Crisis Again?
The crude oil price is closing to US70. Will there be a great shock to the world economy? I guess so. Brace man!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Sunday, August 21, 2005

這年頭, 香港像是中了咒似的. 不單是負面及不快的事接二連三, 更可怕的是政府的處理方法實在是低能得很!
河南發現豬肉有殺人的細菌, 香港政府說沒有理據及權力禁止入口. 深圳緊急上門回收豬肉, 忽然有不知那來的權力又可以禁止入口. 大陸說鰻魚有毒不能吃, 原來那毒物竟不在香檢測之範圍, 也不能主動禁入口. 緊急修改法例, 原來只是亡羊補牢的加入那一種物質. 早兩天政府還沒有談到其他淡水魚, 直至昨天忽然沒有淡水魚的供應, 香港才如夢初醒地拿一些活魚去化驗, 一驗又是有問題.
好像大閘蟹也是有問題的, 不過是動物激素. 海魚也可能有問題的, 因為很多海魚都是養殖的. 還有還有......
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Ocean Park
Saturday, August 06, 2005
= the Art Gallery of Alex Chiu
Should have done that long time ago for Alex. Can't find many of his scribble. Will update the album if I can find more.

Should have done that long time ago for Alex. Can't find many of his scribble. Will update the album if I can find more.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
Monday, August 01, 2005
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