Our 'honorable' LEGCO member
Andrew Cheng today
suggested to set-up a new department to handle safety issues of KCRC. Stupid idea! Oh yes, he doesn't mention the department should handle the safety issue for all public transportation. Stupid x stupid!
A railway system is complicated and largely tailored to itself. Staff of the KCRC had been worked there for long, and are quite familar with KCR railway system. getting a bunch of outsiders, no matter how expert they are, don't help to do the job better. The problem lies entirely on the management side. Intervention of outsider monitoring department, on the otherhand, would only put pressures on front line and provides an additional excuse the KCRC top managements.
TBZ said he wanted to do something on the culture of KCR, but unsuccessful. That's your ability problem. That's your leadership problem. You just don't have the flair.
Incidents like
this will continue to happen. Not because the drivers are not good enough. They don't need to do that for years, but the managements required them to take this skill-demanding job overnight. What can you expect?