Tuesday, January 31, 2006

Outdoor Day

Hiking in the morning. We only hiked for 40 mins. We planned to hike to Amah Rock, but Alex said he's tired when half way.

Bike in the afternoon. Well, Alex only bike near where we live. But that's good enough for him.

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

12 million US dollars for a domain name!!!

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Internet Censorship in China

Google has agreed to censorship in it's .cn search engine.

Internet censorship is a fact in China. Agree to bind by it is another story. Google can argue that with the .cn domain, the 100M internet users will have access to the best search engine (I have no objection in this) and thus encouraged the flow of information. Yet, it is the flow of incomplete information, which the big-brother agreed as what-you-can-know. People will never know the other side of the story. The more incompleted information, the more the truth is biased.

That's how history was twisted.

And I disagree to such decision. Shame on you, Google.

Tuesday, January 24, 2006

Bird's photo

Saw James's blog of bird photos, reminded me this is the high season for photographing birds. Too bad I've shot none this year. Mind if I post some last year's photo here?

Pressure of HK teacher

In a radio interview:

A teacher (sobbing): "The work load is very heavy that I don't have time to take care my kids. It seems that my Phillippine maid is my kid's mum, not me. Luckily I have a good maid, otherwise..... "

ALL WORKING MUMS ARE LIKE THAT IN HONG KONG!! And you get the ability to hire a maid at home.

Maybe the workload and pressure are really huge. But you are not convincing.

Sunday, January 22, 2006

Alex told story to Hello Kitty

To each and every one of them....

Saturday, January 21, 2006

Alex in school unitform

睇 amp

今晚約左人係旺角晚飯, 飯前去左睇下d amp. 始終對大陸野有d唔放心, 俾5K 去買大陸野不如俾多少少買外國貨. 聽左 NAIM 合併機 (配 Pro Ac), 無咩野好彈. 幾細緻低音控制幾好. 小問題係高音較突兀 (可能未 warm-up, 又可能 speaker 未 run-in). 不過亦唔會有咩大驚喜. 8-9k 算係咁.

又見有一部 Sugden 純A類合併. 折實價比 Naim 貴幾舊水, 都可以考慮. 不過要下次有較長時間煲完部 class-A 再試先有意思.

諗諗下... 俾錢買鏡頭不如買 amp 好過. 反正十幾支鏡都用唔晒.

Thursday, January 19, 2006

Jog Log #45

5600m, 38'00".

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Cracks on trains derailed minds. Not the trains.

Our 'honorable' LEGCO member Andrew Cheng today suggested to set-up a new department to handle safety issues of KCRC. Stupid idea! Oh yes, he doesn't mention the department should handle the safety issue for all public transportation. Stupid x stupid!

A railway system is complicated and largely tailored to itself. Staff of the KCRC had been worked there for long, and are quite familar with KCR railway system. getting a bunch of outsiders, no matter how expert they are, don't help to do the job better. The problem lies entirely on the management side. Intervention of outsider monitoring department, on the otherhand, would only put pressures on front line and provides an additional excuse the KCRC top managements.

TBZ said he wanted to do something on the culture of KCR, but unsuccessful. That's your ability problem. That's your leadership problem. You just don't have the flair.

Incidents like this will continue to happen. Not because the drivers are not good enough. They don't need to do that for years, but the managements required them to take this skill-demanding job overnight. What can you expect?

Tuesday, January 17, 2006


It's a Hong Kong forum. A very popular one. You can get everything from cracked programs; to BT movies and MP3; to XXXXX AV movie; or a place to publish your own music... Just about anything.

A lot of advertisers are paying money to advertise in this site.

And uwant.com get rich enough to advertise on major PC / consumer electronic monthly magazine like E-Zone. What does that means to you?

Monday, January 16, 2006

Cracks on trains. Or in brains?

The KCRC stopped to use automatic control system on all trains, claiming it's the root cause for cracks on train.

That means they had never investigate the effect of the automatic control system on other parts on the train when introducing it in '02, nor they ever tighten maintainance schedule to look-into such effect.

Now there are cracks on the trains. And there was cracks in the brains.

Model answers

晞晞的聖誕假家課其中一題, 是要他數出圖中有多少聖誕帽, 跟著把有關數字貼在格子內. 他答3. 答錯了. 該是1!?

書本有問題, 老師又唔用腦照跟 model answers 改卷. 問你死未.........

AGAC updated

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Thursday, January 05, 2006

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Sunday, January 01, 2006

Jog Log #43

5600m, 38'05"