Wednesday, January 31, 2007

咖 啡 牛 女 性 感 搶 客 熱 爆 西 雅 圖


"火 辣 辣 的 冶 艷 女 郎 , 向 來 是 促 銷 的 不 二 良 方 , 台 灣 有 檳 榔西 施 , 美 國 西 雅 圖 ( Seattle ) 也 有 打 扮 性 感 的 咖 啡 牛 女 , 賣 咖 啡 附 送 眼 睛 冰 淇 淋的 「 sexpresso 」 , 令 男 客 人 喝 得 特 別 醒 神 , 生 意 越 做 越 紅 火 。"

幾時黎香港開分店? 我實做常客!!

不過而家香港社會越黎越保守, 都係唔會有機會架勒! :(

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

My hi-fi

Yesterday, my friend asked me to go together with him to MK to buy hi-fi cables. We audited a few cables, on the expensive hifi at the shop. Yes, I can spot the difference of different cables, quite easy indeed.

When I backed home, I tried to listen to the same music with my hifi. OH S__T!!

I know I need a better CD player (I am using DVD now), and I know I need to place my speaker more carefully, and I know my amp is not good enough for hi-end. But the difference is so big! Yes, my set has the power; is good enough to listen to beautiful voices; also good for ensembles with few instruments (even with drum ensembles). But when it comes to big bands, it sucks.

I should never go to hifi demo rooms again.

My G-Shock

The aged rubber had been hardened, and just disintegrated all by itself. It's useless. So I peel off the rubber, and loss every screw I found. Here's it:

Have a close look, the G-shock has a thick glass tightly mounted on a metal case, which surrounded by a thick layer of rubber. Inside the casing, the electronics were protected by a thin rubber pad in every direction, and the back cover was sealed with a rubber O-ring. Very nicely constructed indeed.

收費 "底" 廉

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Sunday, January 28, 2007

Google result of "日本沉沒"

Google will suggest the following related search to you:

日本沉沒bt 日本沉沒主題曲 日本沉沒下載 日本沉沒torrent 日本沉沒bt下載
日本沉沒emule 日本沉沒影評 電影日本沉沒 日本沉沒劇照 日本沉沒預告片

So you know how popular BT and Emule are!

Friday, January 26, 2007



雖然抵死, 但都值得同情. (係唔係好矛盾呢?)


也是從 e-mail 收的... LOL

Thursday, January 25, 2007

Does Evil Exists?

Get the following story from a chain mail. Don't know if this is a true story or not, but certainly worth thinking about it.

One day, a professor of a university decided to defy his pupils.

He asked : "did God create everything that exists?"
A student answered bravely: "yes, He did."
"Everything?" asked the teacher.
"Yes, everything." Was the answer of the student.
"In this case, God also created evil, correct? Because evil exists." Said the teacher…
To that, the student had no answer and remained in silence.

The teacher was delighted at the opportunity to prove one more time that faith was only a myth.

Suddenly, another student raised his hand and asked: “May I ask you a question, professor?”
"Of course", was the answer.
"Does cold exist?"
"Of course," answered the professor "Did you never feel cold?"
"Actually, sir, cold does not exist. According to studies in Physics, cold is the total and complete absence of heat.
"An object can only be studied if it has and transmits energy and it is the heat of an object that transmits it's energy.
"Without heat, the objects are inert, incapable to react. But cold does not exist. We created the term cold to explain the lack of heat"
"And darkness?" , continues the student.
"It exists", replied the professor
"Again, you're wrong sir, darkness is the total absence of light.
"You can study light and brightness, but not darkness.
"The prism of Nichols shows the variety of different colors in which the light can be decomposed according to the longitude of the waves.
"Darkness is the term we created to explain the total absence of light"
And finally, the student asked: "And evil, sir, does evil exist?"
"God did not create evil. Evil is the absence of God in people's hearts, it is the absence of love, humanity and faith.
"Love and faith are like heat and light. They exist.
"Their absence lead to evil"

Now it was the professor's turn to remain silent..

The name of the student was : ALBERT EINSTEIN

Superbowl TV ad slot

Price tag: 2.6 million US. I say the price is crazy.

More detail report here.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Motorola Razr - crap product or crap brand??

Analysis said that Motorola has loss an opportunity to build a brand when it has the 'good' product Razr.

Is it?

I say the Motorola phones suck. Some friend are using Motorola phones. Most of the time when I talking with them on phone, it's very difficult for me to hear clearly what they are saying. The DSP (or mic?) sucks and the background noise amplified too much and you just can hear what the user is saying.

Motorola fail because the product is crap. Not the brand.

Monday, January 22, 2007

My new Sony car audio - Works with iPod!

As in last blog, I have installed a new Sony CD player at my car.

The player has an USB port with it, and said to accept "most USB device". There is no list of supported device from Sony, thou. To my surprise, it works with my iPOD!!

Very nice. I now have the 2 iPODs and 1 20GB portable HDD that can connect to the player... that's weeks of continuous music without repeating.

Friday, January 19, 2007

Sony website

The Sony website... it sucks!

Just bought a new car CD player today.

The radio of the old CD player on my car is not working anymore, so I need to get a new one. I stick with Sony because it can control my old CD changer.

I tried to go to the Sony site to look for more information about car audio, but there are very limited product information. There is no info whatsoever telling me which CD changers the latest models support, nor a good comparision tables about the feature difference of different models... There is also no info about what kind of USB device the CD player accepts... So the Sony site cannot serve the #1 objective of the web: to give information to the customers.

So I go to the shops and ask for advise, and get this model and install it myself. AFTER installation, I click on the Sony website to register my warranty online (for additional 3-month warranty), and the site is not working on Firefox. Switch to IE and re-enter all my information, and it comes to product serial number. There is a photo on the site to tell you how to locate the serial number... but IT'S ON THE PRODUCT!! There is no guide to tell me how to locate the serial number on the box... so I have to do the most silly thing in the world: go to my car, unmount the CD player, for just a quick peek of the serial number!

How silly is that!!

Nevertheless, the quality of the CD player is good. Good sound, perfect match to my old CD changer (and it also matches the supplied remote controller of my old player), convenient feature (such as front USB port to accept USB drivers)...

Product is good. But the site is too fancy and doesn't serve the basic functions of website.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007


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今天東方頭條: "港產千王智破英倫賭場"

幾個老千明明影衰晒港人, 出千不遂斷正就擒. 但垃圾報紙竟然寫話"千王", "智破"!! 真係千王同智破就唔會斷正啦. 白痴!!

Saturday, January 13, 2007



編:Davy Chan / C.Y.
監:Davy Chan / C.Y. / Eason Chan

沒有際遇會預告 輪到你才會輪到
你攀不上 高貴的國度

大智慧未有學到 矛盾處才會來到
最終宣判 可笑的噩耗
幻覺破滅了 現實卻使你不知所措
世界 能令你 自動變身被告 Oh...

*這一刻 你壞了氣數 置身一片大霧 別期望會搏到
 抖一抖 讓有變無 退出這線路 重投你喜好
 兜一圈 也未算劫數 抹走這串問號 微笑裡過渡會更好*

這種天國高攀不到 沒甚麼可以投訴

在哪裡獨個漫舞 流放到誰個懷抱
你總可以 輕快的散步
視野變換了 命運也不是這麼深奧
世界 仍在轉 日後再可上訴 Oh...

這種審判憤慨不到 沒地方給你投訴

偏偏世界 是這種制度
越放膽說 越說越說 你代價便更高
你要找的公道 雖說還未碰到 前面有路

轉一轉 你混帳氣數 撥開這片大霧 未來自會看到
抖一抖 換個嗜好 找新的去路 重投你喜好
兜一圈 你未會變老 勇敢些去讓步
在轉角會遇上更好 一生機遇總猜不到(猜不到)

轉一轉 你混帳氣數 撥開這片大霧 能勇退也未算太糟
天空海闊總可找到 為什麼需要煩躁

Live TV broadcast to your mobile phone

New initiative launched in CES 2007.

Do you really want to watch the TV show on the 2.5" screen of your mobile phone? Honestly, I find the 4" screen of my Palm TX to be too small for watching movie; and the mobile phone screens are *much* smaller.

Tuesday, January 09, 2007




Microsoft in your car

Ford, Microsoft Develop In-Car Communications System

Em.... will it "crash"?

LA Time new TV ad is designed to fail

As commented here.

Tradtional newspaper has suffered a lot, in US and other matured region. In HK, the circulation of Apple Daily has been dropping quite dramatically in recent few years (I don't have the actual data, and hope my memory serves). Although Oriental Daily News' CLAIMED circulation reported steady circulation, it's unaudited. However, these drops can be accounts by the new free newspapers, and the impact of Internet on HK papers is yet to be seen.

So, watchout for the web, local papers!



星期日示威完, 星期一即減... 油公司都算狗勒.

Sunday, January 07, 2007




作決定的管理層肯定係自大的美國鬼, 看來今次有難了. 這事件我只能贈他們三個字:


"You deserve it!"

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Mobile (phone) ad

A discussion of how to use mobile ad.

It's suprising that marketers need to be reminded (as in th article linked) that mobile ad is annoying, and it need to provide value to the customers in exchange.....

Back in Hong Kong, the marketers are still in the stage of cold-calling your phone. I am not exactly familar with the situation for other mobile ad formats, but I understand that there are some SMS ad; very little (if any at all) sponsored contents (eg games); and seeming no banner ad on mobile portal sites......

The Hong Kong market is too small in big-corp's eye. But it's a different story in China: mobile ad is very hot in China; and there is a NASDAQ company now pursuiting this market in China.

I don't have the details about the China scene, but I understand people in China are very familar with it - when you call a restaurant to make bookings, they will be very happy to send the restaurant address to you via SMS.