過年前去了我家附近的一家酒家團年, 到了約十時, 晞晞眼訓了, 嚷著要回家. 由於距家只約十分鐘步程, 便叫晞晞自己打電話回家叫菲菲來接他. 電話上他如是說:
"Hi Jeje, please come to pick me back home. First you go to the train station, then go to other place, then go to other place....."
菲菲當然係一頭霧水唔知佢嗡乜. 佢既意思其實係先去火車站, 跟住過兩條馬路.....
最後, 我們接過電話叫菲菲去老麥等.
A scramble of my mumbles, rambles and trembles. Let them all rest in the blog so I don't have to crumble.
Tuesday, February 27, 2007
Saturday, February 17, 2007
Friday, February 16, 2007
Wednesday, February 14, 2007
我不要回憶! 我只要把文化保留下來, 讓它繼續成為生活的一部份, 可以嗎?
煲呔話 "發展" 要跟 "保育" 平衡; 為什麼? 發展的最終目的不就是要讓人民能更快樂及滿足地生活嗎? 把人民生活的環境先破壞了再發展, 能更快樂麼? 會更滿足麼? 可能有些人真的會很快樂很滿足; 可那決不是人民大眾!
我不要回憶! 我只要把文化保留下來, 讓它繼續成為生活的一部份, 可以嗎?
煲呔話 "發展" 要跟 "保育" 平衡; 為什麼? 發展的最終目的不就是要讓人民能更快樂及滿足地生活嗎? 把人民生活的環境先破壞了再發展, 能更快樂麼? 會更滿足麼? 可能有些人真的會很快樂很滿足; 可那決不是人民大眾!
Friday, February 09, 2007
More on Super Bowl TV commercials
I havn't finish watched all commercials, but find some interesting commercials as listed here:
Snapple - Wiseman (funny!)
Budweiser - King Crab (not exactly a new idea, but still funny)
Toyota - See-Saw (it's a big work to produce this commercial)
Snickers - Mechanics (Won't have a chance to be aired in HK. HK society is so 'closed' nowadays)
Doritos - Live the Flavor (consumer created commercial. there were 3 or 4 more.)
Blockbuster - Mouse Click-Click Away (I can't stop laughing when I watch this)
There are also some really awful commercials. Really can't understand why companies spent multi-millions USD in the commeical time, but refuse to get a pro to make the commerical right?!
Snapple - Wiseman (funny!)
Budweiser - King Crab (not exactly a new idea, but still funny)
Toyota - See-Saw (it's a big work to produce this commercial)
Snickers - Mechanics (Won't have a chance to be aired in HK. HK society is so 'closed' nowadays)
Doritos - Live the Flavor (consumer created commercial. there were 3 or 4 more.)
Blockbuster - Mouse Click-Click Away (I can't stop laughing when I watch this)
There are also some really awful commercials. Really can't understand why companies spent multi-millions USD in the commeical time, but refuse to get a pro to make the commerical right?!
Wednesday, February 07, 2007
你估營辦商會唔會收平d呢? 我俾你估兩次!
政府既議價能力咁差, 到時係公眾地方既wireless 上網費可能只係象徵性平少少, 即係又係政府同市民一齊俾營辦商搵笨.
又放長雙眼睇你點攪! 不過而家都只係 "積極考慮", 睇怕都要幾年先成事. 到時其他地方可能早已轉晒 WIMAX....... 即係又慢左人幾拍!
你估營辦商會唔會收平d呢? 我俾你估兩次!
政府既議價能力咁差, 到時係公眾地方既wireless 上網費可能只係象徵性平少少, 即係又係政府同市民一齊俾營辦商搵笨.
又放長雙眼睇你點攪! 不過而家都只係 "積極考慮", 睇怕都要幾年先成事. 到時其他地方可能早已轉晒 WIMAX....... 即係又慢左人幾拍!
This is how business is done!!
Get this from an e-mail:
Father: I want you to marry a girl of my choice
Son: "I will choose my own bride!"
Father: "But the girl is Bill Gate's daughter."
Son: "Well, in that case...ok"
Next Father approaches Bill Gates.
Father: "I have a husband for your daughter."
Bill Gates: "But my daughter is too young to marry!"
Father: "But this young man is a vice-president of the World Bank."
Bill Gates: "Ah, in that case...ok"
Finally Father goes to see the president of the World Bank.
Father: "I have a young man to be recommended as a vice-president."
President: "But I already have more vice- presidents than I need!"
Father: "But this young man is Bill Gate's son-in-law."
President: "Ah, in that case...ok"
This is how business is done!!
Father: I want you to marry a girl of my choice
Son: "I will choose my own bride!"
Father: "But the girl is Bill Gate's daughter."
Son: "Well, in that case...ok"
Next Father approaches Bill Gates.
Father: "I have a husband for your daughter."
Bill Gates: "But my daughter is too young to marry!"
Father: "But this young man is a vice-president of the World Bank."
Bill Gates: "Ah, in that case...ok"
Finally Father goes to see the president of the World Bank.
Father: "I have a young man to be recommended as a vice-president."
President: "But I already have more vice- presidents than I need!"
Father: "But this young man is Bill Gate's son-in-law."
President: "Ah, in that case...ok"
This is how business is done!!
Tuesday, February 06, 2007
Monday, February 05, 2007
上一個 blog 先講完垃圾政府不單無力帶出和諧社會, 還間接製造各階層間的對立. 話口未完, 又黎一個炸彈!
政府管冶不力, 社會秩序失衡, 人民間的摩擦同衝突機會自然增加.... 一字咁淺既道理.
總之, 又有打交睇勒!
上一個 blog 先講完垃圾政府不單無力帶出和諧社會, 還間接製造各階層間的對立. 話口未完, 又黎一個炸彈!
政府管冶不力, 社會秩序失衡, 人民間的摩擦同衝突機會自然增加.... 一字咁淺既道理.
總之, 又有打交睇勒!
Thursday, February 01, 2007

禁煙條例早已籌備多年, 一早定好幾時係所有公園禁煙, 有咩理由要用白紙電腦printout 加過膠做禁煙告牌? 又唔係早一晚先知道, 理應一早準備好三幾千個可以長用既告示牌, 法例一開始就已經將所有牌放好! 天星碼頭未搬之前幾日就改好晒中環區既碼頭方向指示.... 呢個政府都唔知做咩!
人地東京都一樣好多地方禁煙, 例如新宿就成個區禁止一路行一路食煙. 但行不遠就係地面大大隻字日/英雙語有告示, 英文亦好有禮貌咁寫 "Please refrain from smoking while walking...", 唔會好似香港咁死實實既 "No Smoking". 更有整得好好既吸煙區 - 有圍板, 有座椅, 有抽氣系統, 有暖氣. 一眾煙民有適當設施可用, 又唔會影響非煙民, 好! 唔使好似香港咁企晒係路邊, 唔會咁易引起吸煙與非吸煙人士間的衝突... 咁先可以有和諧社會架 - 唔係得個講字!
What to do with a TV program of poor ratings?
It's Fox's "VANISHED". As announced on the official site, it just go online with the remaining episodes.
"The remaining four episodes will stream on the VANISHED myspace page, with a new episode posted every Friday at 12:01 PT, beginning Nov. 17th.
Three episodes will be kept up at a time.
The series finale will be posted online on Friday, December 8th."
So VANISHED vanished from the TV.
"The remaining four episodes will stream on the VANISHED myspace page, with a new episode posted every Friday at 12:01 PT, beginning Nov. 17th.
Three episodes will be kept up at a time.
The series finale will be posted online on Friday, December 8th."
So VANISHED vanished from the TV.
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