Tuesday, April 19, 2011


現代單車已經發明左百幾年,全球已生產了數以十億計的單車了。但為什麼單車可以那麼穩定的呢?過去一直認是啤車輪子的鉈鑼儀效應 (gyro effect) 令單車可以直立,但其實科學家一直未能完全了解單車的物理學。

最新的 Science Daily 上的文章剛刊登了最新研究表示 gyro-effect 未必是單車可以穩定地直立的主要原因。

Bicycle tyre design

Some friends brag about how good the thread design, how it increase the grip and improve the brake ability. Actually, tyre thread only matter in off-road cases. On-road, whether it's wet or dry, the thread design doesn't matter at all.

A very good article the I pull-up from the Internet explained this. You may also search about hydro-plating on the Internet and you will understand why bicycle tyres don't need threads to remove water during wet-road.