Tuesday, September 23, 2008

7000 億救市夠唔夠?

最新尚未通過既7000億救市計劃 (用以收購不良債務), 加埋美國早前既救市 (Bear Sterns, Fannie Mae / Feddie Mac, AIG....), 已經動用差唔多2萬億去救市. 好多錢!! 咁其實夠唔夠呢?

網上資料話全球既衍生工具規模超過500萬億, 2萬億都唔夠0.5%, 跌條毛都冇左. 如果真係咁.... 唔敢諗!!




Saturday, September 20, 2008

Microsoft's "i'm a PC' commercial

Since when Microsoft became the follower, huh? Very sad for the industrial leader, who owns >90% of market share in OS.

it follows Mac's "Get a Mac" TV Campaign which 'd been more than a year ago!