Friday, June 29, 2007



Easy my jog

Tried to further slow down my jog tonight, and I finished my normal 5600m at 36'47", approx 13-5% slower than my regular time. HR at 155-160, around 75%-80% intensity. Seems good.

But I have to peek my watch regularly and remind myself to slowdown.... probably i need more time to get use the the pace. Beside, I am still finding the best way to wear the chest belt.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Friday, June 22, 2007

Heart Rate Monitor problem

My rest heart rate is 58, and my calculated max. rate is 180. But even when I slowdown my jog tonight, my average rate is at approx 160bpm, max. rate is 17x, more than 90% of my max rate. At over 90% of heart rate, it should had been a very hard training for me.... but I felt very comfortable. So I am very puzzle: what's the problem? Is it possible that my max. heart rate is higher than the calculated estimate?

Another problem is, the Casio CHR100 interfered with my iPod. I have to switch-off the iPod to get an accurate reading on the CHR100. I will try to wear the iPOD on another arm to see what happen next time.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

Heart Rate Monitor

Just get my Casio CHR-100 at MK tonight, tried out tonight. Oops.... no wonder I can't loss much weight by jogging: I was running too fast. My average HR tonight during a 34 min jog was 159 bpm, and I'm over trained at the anaerobic zone.

Let me check my rest heart rate tomorrow morning, and get a more clear heart rate zone.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


近期 Kary 一首主打既歌. 電視上狂谷廣告, 真係想唔 hit 都難.

不過.... 唱成咁.... 唔通香港識唱歌既人死晒?

Tuesday, June 19, 2007


2 個星期冇跑, 感覺成日都好累, 又肥番幾磅...... 好, 的起心肝, 今晚去跑完. 感覺... excellent!!

不過早排係街邊買左隻30皮既爛膠錶諗住跑步計時用, 點個今晚想用黎跑步時發覺壞左... #$%*@(%%#........ 睇黎都係要去買呢隻Casio先得. 4百幾, 都幾抵...


6月23日咩咩輔導日, 明明係星期六, 做咩個graphic 會畫成星期三?!

咁鬼亂黎既設計師... 唔好去死!!

Friday, June 15, 2007



我有90分.... 你又幾多分? 請測完回應一下.

Wednesday, June 06, 2007

Happy swimming

64, 18 年

又一年, 燭淚仍漣漣. 問何年, 正義才得以伸張?

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Palm Foleo

Linux base, 10" screen, full size keyboard - the Palm Foleo.

What for? A sub-notebook maybe more expensive, but it's certainly much more powerful, and more software support. A smartphone maybe less powerful, but certainly much more portable. Do you really need something in between?

I can smell the death of Palm Inc. Amen.

Friday, June 01, 2007



白痴架..... 警方!!

討論區上大把無聊言論, 走去查果個都白痴!! 查完無事, 仲去告人浪費警力? 竟然又咁都告得入!!

俾一班完全追唔上時代步伐既人去管香港, 真係吹漲!!