Sunday, July 31, 2005

Alex in Library

We go there regularly...

Jog Log #10

30.5 mins, for 4300 metres. Suddenly rain heavily at mid-way, and I was all soaked.

Magic hour with F10

My old OM 4040 never able to produce the red-tint in the cloud like that.

Friday, July 29, 2005

How to kill an XD card

Took some photo with your camera, stuck the XD card in a card reader, and delete some files with your computer. That's it.

Jog Log #9

3500m, slight less than 25 mins.

Monday, July 25, 2005

Alex's graduation....

On July 23, of his N1 class. Photo taken by Vanessa, with the F10.

Shadow 'n light

Friday, July 22, 2005

Dead XD card


Just play with the XD card in the new card reader, find it's strange that I can't delete file or format the XD card with the reader. Then I put the card in the F10, the camera just hang and can't 'bootup' and the lens stay extended. Try remove the battery for 5 mins, still not working. Then put the 16MB XD in the camera and it work fine.

So confirm the XD card is dead.

So quick! Have to replace it at the shop tomorrow.

Fried icecream

Took Alex to try fried icecream, but he didn't appreciate much the warm icecream. He like another dish more.

Thursday, July 21, 2005

Snap with Fuji F10

A nice little camera for snap...

Wednesday, July 13, 2005

Lalitha's Nursery Rhymes Site

If you have a little child to care of, try this site and he/she will surely like it. There is a lot of flash of nursery songs, games and stories.

Monday, July 11, 2005


是我最愛的廣東話歌之一. 十七年前的歌詞, 今天再看, 竟比當初更有味道, 亦更合當代情況!! 且看一看劉卓輝的詞:

霧裏看都市 憂傷與灰暗
人們在抱怨天氣 互說風光
我對你傾訴 但充滿了隔膜
愛上了電視 不需要思索
模糊面對工作 日夜去奔波
偶爾看齣戲 漆黑裏歡樂

曾話過 賽馬不禁 跳舞自由
曾話過 這裏不變 我會逗留
你問我 我為何 說不出對未來的感覺

那個要包裝 青春與奔放
誰高呼空虛 觀眾便心醉
我聽到歌聲 醫不了飢餓
上帝愛你 跟祂去天國

誰做錯 世界到處有難民
誰做錯 你要降世救罪人
你問我 我為何 說不出對未來的感覺

今天我知 鄉村變了都市
今天我知 文明原來是這樣
告訴我 你會叫喊與淚流
告訴我 你會奮鬥到盡頭
告訴我 看到了自由
告訴我 我為何說不出對未來的感覺

Friday, July 08, 2005

Movie Initial D on CNN headline

Why they still say BT and pirate killed the movie industry?

New tech and pirate may rob a lot of revenue from movie makers, but real good *(in the marketing sense. not artistic sense) movie still make much noise, and money.

Thursday, July 07, 2005

My Meaning of Life

I commented on James' blog. After my post, I have a second thought to blog it as well:

I always think about the meanings of life, when I was sixteen.

Back then, I reckon all animals are trying their best to survive. Not much animals suicide. The life of some inserts can be as short as a few hours. But they keep on living. Why they do that hard life? To reproduce!

Bingo, so the true meaning of live is to reproduce! But as a human being, we should take the meaning of 'reproduction' some futher steps, larger than life. I reckon it should be to extend the existance of mankind. The "meaning" of our life is to make contribution to human species so to maximize the possibility of existance, for the maximum possible time span.

So I wanted to be a scientist.

Later on, I find scientist sometimes doing negative contribution to my 'meaning of life'.

So I wanted to be a politician.

And later on, I find big corporation sometimes are more powerful and influential than politician.

So I wanted to be a great businessman. And that's why I choose Business Studies.

And now I am getting nowhere.

Wednesday, July 06, 2005



Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Real threat, or not?

The global warming is on the agenda of the G8 Summit. So it's been taking very seriously in the current global political circle. But, Michael Crichton spent a few years resarch on this issue, and wrote "state of Fear" which listed vast among of data against global warming.

Honestly, I don't know what to believe.

Sunday, July 03, 2005

Jog Log #8

3500m, at 24 mins.

Peter Luk is going to work in Dongguan

Congratulations. Maybe Peter should consider setting a blog so that we can communicate with each other. But... but... Blogger was blocked in China. :( Too bad.

Saturday, July 02, 2005

Jog Log #7

Because of the rain, the TV dramas (this and this), and late dinners after work (I need 2 hours to digest my dinner before I can jog smoothly), I'd stopped jogging for almost 3 weeks. So I have a short jog tonight, 3500m, at 24 mins.

I guess I should get an iPOD Shuffle to enjoy my jog.

Friday, July 01, 2005

I was there

I was there, at the rally, again.

A bit disappointed this year, as there are many group has other banners not really related to the general vote for CE. The key line is diluted, very much.

Nevertheless, I was there. Again.

More photos here.