A scramble of my mumbles, rambles and trembles. Let them all rest in the blog so I don't have to crumble.
Friday, December 30, 2005
Snaps in 2003
Finally, put together my snaps in 2003. It was a gloomy year, and I can see it from my own snaps.
Thursday, December 29, 2005
Friday, December 23, 2005
A nice audio amplifer manufacturer in China. Our friend Peter carried a suite of Pre-amp and Power-amp at his hi-fi showroom, and he highly praised it.
I listened to a Jungson class-A integrated amp last Sunday, like it. Class-A is said to be the holy-grail design amps, and a class-A of 80W+80W can rock your apartment. At 5K something, it's a good deal.
The local hi-fi internet forums also praised highly a Jungson AV Power amp.
The only concern is reailbility over time.
Also tested another Chinese class A amp, Cayin. This is also a famous Chinese brand, not bad too. But the Jungson is just better than Cayin - clearier in the sound stage positions and more comfortable in hi-freq.
I listened to a Jungson class-A integrated amp last Sunday, like it. Class-A is said to be the holy-grail design amps, and a class-A of 80W+80W can rock your apartment. At 5K something, it's a good deal.
The local hi-fi internet forums also praised highly a Jungson AV Power amp.
The only concern is reailbility over time.
Also tested another Chinese class A amp, Cayin. This is also a famous Chinese brand, not bad too. But the Jungson is just better than Cayin - clearier in the sound stage positions and more comfortable in hi-freq.
Thursday, December 22, 2005
Radio Transmitter
It works like this: plug it in the earphone jack of your what-so-ever sound player, it transmit the sound to your car stereo via FM signal. You just use your car radio and tune in for the transmitter's freq.
It costed approx. 300RMB when I saw it in SZ last year. Now you can find one under HK$100 at MK. I get one, and use it with my shuffle when I drive to and from work.
It works as expected.
It costed approx. 300RMB when I saw it in SZ last year. Now you can find one under HK$100 at MK. I get one, and use it with my shuffle when I drive to and from work.
It works as expected.
Tuesday, December 20, 2005
Tuesday, December 13, 2005
DBS credit card promotion: something like $88 x 13 months, you get a black iPod nano 2GB. Vanessa gets it. A very nice player!
Better yet, she finally release my shuffle after a 3-month (or more?) hijack... I have it back now.
Better yet, she finally release my shuffle after a 3-month (or more?) hijack... I have it back now.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
今晚回家時晞晞正在睡, 忽然哭起來, 訴說 "hot". 摸一摸他小額頭: 發燒了. 手腳冰冷.
在路上, 他笑著說: "牙齒跳舞呀"
"咩話?" 我說.
...... 我諗佢係涷.
今晚回家時晞晞正在睡, 忽然哭起來, 訴說 "hot". 摸一摸他小額頭: 發燒了. 手腳冰冷.
在路上, 他笑著說: "牙齒跳舞呀"
"咩話?" 我說.
...... 我諗佢係涷.
Monday, December 05, 2005
Sunday, December 04, 2005
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Friday, November 04, 2005
Palm T|X
Get it almost 2 week, a late blog here.
Overall, it's a very good pda with complete (almost) function including wifi, bluetooth, ample flash ram storage onboard (100MB for the Palm OS is hell lot of space).
The wifi set-up is piece of cake - scan the network, enter network password, you're linked. You can set it up in less than a minute - if you still remember the router password.
Some old software cannot work properly on the new OS. But that's expected. The bundled software is self completed: Chinese OS, wifile (to access share folders and files on the network), Document-to-go (which access native MS Office files - something Pocket PC can't do until recently), Acrobat reader for Palm, English-Chinese Dictionary (easy to find other dic database if you like), Media program on ROM (which plays photos album and movie, sync albums and movie with the Palm desktop program), Pocket Tune (MP3 player), Internet browser, Versamail (e-mail program for both direct internet connections and hotsync, support multiple account).... You don't really need to install much third party program.
All bundle programs are very good. Especially the browser program (Blazer). It works very fast with with wifi, and have relativelly good competibility. I normally check e-mail and news with my T|X... and that's the reason I blogged less recently.
I installed a HK map program, which is good enough for me. Without a GPS, I can use lamp-post serach and locate function to find out where am I. Blue tooth GPS is available too, but I don't have interest to use it.
Display is excellent. Processor is good enough to play video diectly from the SD card, but do you really want to watch a movie on such a small screen? It display photos very nicely, nevertheless.
The T|X is relatively stable - thou not as good as my M505 / Palm 3e / Pilot Pro.
I have difficulty to set up hot-sync using blue tooth. Probable some installation problem of the bluetooth pgm on my computer. I can sync via wi-fi, thou you need to know how to set-up a network hot-sync (the search computer on network doesn't work, and I can't sync to the computer name. I need to network sync using IP address).
Bluetooth connection to my mobile phone is also very simple. Scan, pair, and you are there.
Battery life is good. Last more than 2 days with my frequent use.
Yet to try: Bluetooth to phone GPRS / dial-up connection to Internet; remote desktop access to PCs in my network; drop tests; water tight tests.... etc etc.
One complain: I still don't get use to the new Graffitti2 writing. Why change? Graffitti2 is slow!!
Overall, it's a very good pda with complete (almost) function including wifi, bluetooth, ample flash ram storage onboard (100MB for the Palm OS is hell lot of space).
The wifi set-up is piece of cake - scan the network, enter network password, you're linked. You can set it up in less than a minute - if you still remember the router password.
Some old software cannot work properly on the new OS. But that's expected. The bundled software is self completed: Chinese OS, wifile (to access share folders and files on the network), Document-to-go (which access native MS Office files - something Pocket PC can't do until recently), Acrobat reader for Palm, English-Chinese Dictionary (easy to find other dic database if you like), Media program on ROM (which plays photos album and movie, sync albums and movie with the Palm desktop program), Pocket Tune (MP3 player), Internet browser, Versamail (e-mail program for both direct internet connections and hotsync, support multiple account).... You don't really need to install much third party program.
All bundle programs are very good. Especially the browser program (Blazer). It works very fast with with wifi, and have relativelly good competibility. I normally check e-mail and news with my T|X... and that's the reason I blogged less recently.
I installed a HK map program, which is good enough for me. Without a GPS, I can use lamp-post serach and locate function to find out where am I. Blue tooth GPS is available too, but I don't have interest to use it.
Display is excellent. Processor is good enough to play video diectly from the SD card, but do you really want to watch a movie on such a small screen? It display photos very nicely, nevertheless.
The T|X is relatively stable - thou not as good as my M505 / Palm 3e / Pilot Pro.
I have difficulty to set up hot-sync using blue tooth. Probable some installation problem of the bluetooth pgm on my computer. I can sync via wi-fi, thou you need to know how to set-up a network hot-sync (the search computer on network doesn't work, and I can't sync to the computer name. I need to network sync using IP address).
Bluetooth connection to my mobile phone is also very simple. Scan, pair, and you are there.
Battery life is good. Last more than 2 days with my frequent use.
Yet to try: Bluetooth to phone GPRS / dial-up connection to Internet; remote desktop access to PCs in my network; drop tests; water tight tests.... etc etc.
One complain: I still don't get use to the new Graffitti2 writing. Why change? Graffitti2 is slow!!
Thursday, November 03, 2005
Tuesday, November 01, 2005
Wednesday, October 26, 2005
Sunday, October 23, 2005
Friday, October 21, 2005
Access the files in your home PC, share all your photos, via a browser enable mobile device. No server set-up, no uploading, just the file in your hdd. How an interesting idea!!
Will try it when I have time to set.
Will try it when I have time to set.
Thursday, October 20, 2005
Tuesday, October 18, 2005
Friday, October 14, 2005
Thursday, October 13, 2005
Palm TX
Oh, it fits my bill!!
The familiar Palm OS, wi-fi and bluetooth, 128MB (ample for the Palm OS), 320x480 65K color monitor, affortable.....
The familiar Palm OS, wi-fi and bluetooth, 128MB (ample for the Palm OS), 320x480 65K color monitor, affortable.....
Wednesday, October 12, 2005
Pocket PC
The com port for my palm 505 has been dead for a while, and I was binded to use the IR to sync the data. Dead slow.
It's almost the end of the Palm era. So I start looking Pocket PC and try to find a replacement. what I find is, a mess of it.
For brand, HP is the best, and Dell comes next. However, they are very large in size and I can't imagine putting it in the inside pocket of my jacket.
Regarding the OS, the Windows Mobile 5 is on it way, and new models in the market are using WM 5. However, no Chinese program is available for this OS! At least for the moment. The old Windows Mobile 2003 has more support, but yet, it store all data in the RAM. When the battery dies, you have to re-install all the program! How stupid.
Maybe I should paying a little bit more for the O2. However, the O2 Atoms is on it's way and will launch this Dec....
In short, no choice.
It's almost the end of the Palm era. So I start looking Pocket PC and try to find a replacement. what I find is, a mess of it.
For brand, HP is the best, and Dell comes next. However, they are very large in size and I can't imagine putting it in the inside pocket of my jacket.
Regarding the OS, the Windows Mobile 5 is on it way, and new models in the market are using WM 5. However, no Chinese program is available for this OS! At least for the moment. The old Windows Mobile 2003 has more support, but yet, it store all data in the RAM. When the battery dies, you have to re-install all the program! How stupid.
Maybe I should paying a little bit more for the O2. However, the O2 Atoms is on it's way and will launch this Dec....
In short, no choice.
Tuesday, October 11, 2005
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Friday, October 07, 2005
Wednesday, October 05, 2005
Go wireless, finally
Just set the wireless network. $300 for a 802.11.b router and PCMCIA card, good deal. But the firmware of the router seems not stable enough. Maybe I should exchange it for a better one, perhaps 11g.
Monday, October 03, 2005
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Sunday, September 25, 2005
Friday, September 23, 2005
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Velbon 630 tripod
Get a second hand one, headless, today. It's almost 100% new, with all the original packing and the accessories still in sealed plastic bags. Nice deal.
Tuesday, September 20, 2005
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Friday, September 16, 2005
Cheap Advertising
Wednesday, September 14, 2005
Sunday, September 11, 2005
Saturday, September 10, 2005
Friday, September 09, 2005
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
"我冇相機啊... 可唔可以買部俾我呀?"
Alex 在沒有人留意時, 在書房偷偷拿了我的 F10, 並拍了照片.
媽媽見倒就同佢講: "部相機係爸爸架, 你唔可以拿來用架. 會整壞架!"
Alex (可憐地): "我冇相機啊... 可唔可以買部俾我呀?"
影成咁, 唔使旨意!
部 F10 係要按住個 POWER 掣唔放先開倒既. 奇怪係佢竟然識開機.
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Sunday, September 04, 2005
Saturday, September 03, 2005
Change my maid
My maid went back to Indoniasia today, and we replace with one from Philppine. Alex cried sadly when the old maid leave home. But when we go out to pick up the new maid from the agent, he felt lot more happy. When he saw the maid, he got excited and 'cling-to' her. Thou Alex used to communicate with maid in chinese and he only knows a few English words, he goes along with the maid happily. Tried to make some sound which sound like English but is not, enjoying himself.
That's kid!
That's kid!
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Tuesday, August 30, 2005
Disneyland HK Rehearsal
I was there last sunday (28/8). Now working hard on the photos, which I have over 700 of them.
Saturday, August 27, 2005
Friday, August 26, 2005
Greek gods
I was interested in the Greek gods stories long time ago, but all I know are bits-n-pieces from different sources and articles. Never truely know the whole picture. Lately, I get a very short book introduced the gods briefly, and am able to sort out the relationship pic as shown.
Interesting enough, a lot of ancient religon / mythlogy said the universe begins with a very chaostic state: Greek said it's called Chaos; LoZi said it's called Tai Chi (太極); Genesis said there was nothing... and Stephen Hawkings said there was a big bang.
Greeks also said Chaos created 2 gods (for sky and land); LoZi said Tai Chi created 2 polar (兩儀); China ancient myth said there was gods for sky and land (盤 and 古); and Genesis said there was 2 light (for sun and moon)...
Stephen Hawkings doesn't know what's next to big bang yet.
舊年十月發病, 攪到隻右眼睇野好似加左 diffuser 咁. 當時睇左成個月有多眼科醫生, 都話病因基本上係未明, 大致同人體免疫系統有關, 屬自發性, 冇得避免, 基本要等佢自己好, 不一定可以完全根冶...
而家睇野仲係濛濛地. 今日再去睇多次醫生, 好彩 check 完佢話仲有只係好輕微既虹膜炎, 而結晶體就因此有少少混濁... 套用相機術語, 即係: 光圈生銹, 鏡頭霧化...
不過, 得一隻清楚睇野仲2D, 有助影相構圖...
而家睇野仲係濛濛地. 今日再去睇多次醫生, 好彩 check 完佢話仲有只係好輕微既虹膜炎, 而結晶體就因此有少少混濁... 套用相機術語, 即係: 光圈生銹, 鏡頭霧化...
不過, 得一隻清楚睇野仲2D, 有助影相構圖...
Energy Crisis Again?
The crude oil price is closing to US70. Will there be a great shock to the world economy? I guess so. Brace man!
Thursday, August 25, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Sunday, August 21, 2005

這年頭, 香港像是中了咒似的. 不單是負面及不快的事接二連三, 更可怕的是政府的處理方法實在是低能得很!
河南發現豬肉有殺人的細菌, 香港政府說沒有理據及權力禁止入口. 深圳緊急上門回收豬肉, 忽然有不知那來的權力又可以禁止入口. 大陸說鰻魚有毒不能吃, 原來那毒物竟不在香檢測之範圍, 也不能主動禁入口. 緊急修改法例, 原來只是亡羊補牢的加入那一種物質. 早兩天政府還沒有談到其他淡水魚, 直至昨天忽然沒有淡水魚的供應, 香港才如夢初醒地拿一些活魚去化驗, 一驗又是有問題.
好像大閘蟹也是有問題的, 不過是動物激素. 海魚也可能有問題的, 因為很多海魚都是養殖的. 還有還有......
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
Sunday, August 14, 2005
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Thursday, August 11, 2005
Wednesday, August 10, 2005
Sunday, August 07, 2005
Ocean Park
Saturday, August 06, 2005
= the Art Gallery of Alex Chiu
Should have done that long time ago for Alex. Can't find many of his scribble. Will update the album if I can find more.

Should have done that long time ago for Alex. Can't find many of his scribble. Will update the album if I can find more.
Friday, August 05, 2005
Wednesday, August 03, 2005
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
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