Tuesday, December 13, 2005


DBS credit card promotion: something like $88 x 13 months, you get a black iPod nano 2GB. Vanessa gets it. A very nice player!

Better yet, she finally release my shuffle after a 3-month (or more?) hijack... I have it back now.


Anonymous said...


Before you peel off that plastic protecter film that came with it, bring it to a shop that sells the proper proctecting film and get one put on for you right away. Any other method can protect it from scratching even if you have a gell case for it, it would just rub the debrie or dust on the surface as you us it and scratch it anyway.

Anonymous said...

...Any other method "can't" protect it...

Anonymous said...

Never mind, if it is scratched anyway. Buy a new one and it is their marketing.

Toby Chiu said...

Scratched, is the art of painting traces of memory on your belongings; is the chemical attaching you with your processions. The more you scratched it, the more you like it.....

Anonymous said...

Eyeglasses, maybe, but try that with your camera lenses...