10 billions for a 35km line, RMB50 per trip, top speed at 430km/hr, take less than 10 mins for the otherwise 45 mins bus trip. How's that sound?
Although it's a train line connecting the Pudong airport and the MTR line, it only operates from nine to five. So it's certainly not meant to solve the transportation problem of the airport.
Although it costed 10 billions to build and don't-know-how-much to maintain, the ticket is relatively cheap at RMB50. So it certainly can't make money.
Although it travels extremely fast, it covers only 35 km. So it certainly can't save much time.
Although it's the most advanced technology, it's by German. So it certainly can't show-off China's technological know-how.
Although it's co-built by China and German, the German almost certainly would hide-away their most important data and technology. So it's certain that China can't learn much in the technology 'transfer'.
So what is the Maglev?
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