Tuesday, September 12, 2006


香港雖未至於 "路有涷死骨" , 但 "朱門酒肉臭" 則時有所見. 香港打工仔收入平均月薪約為一萬吧, 但有錢人肯出百萬請家教.... 一於用錢掟死你, 嚇死你!!

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Anonymous said...

"recent u grad... exp in varsity team... Chemistry is vital"?! Not exactly a "regular" combo for a family tutor... A Personal duc... ehhh... Coach, perhaps.

And what chemistry? Everyone has chemistry going within one's body; having any knowledge of it is a different story though. No wonder candidates must be fluent in English.

Toby Chiu said...

It's swimming, not Chemistry. Probably they want to hire a personal coach in swimming, but I can't imagine a child with golden spoon in his/her mouth can take the touch training which is necessary for a good sports player.

Money can't modify you into a sports star. It does the otherwise indeed.

Anonymous said...

Look below the email address, "Chemistry is vital..."