Explained by a famous long-distance run coach in Hong Kong.
Obviously, his advices are for those who training for competition, not for casual joggers like me. And obviously it's not feasible to train on your own and will need a good coach to train-up a really good posture.But it's good to understand what's a good posture and to minimize chance of injury.
I tried his method, the speed is much faster... but my physical strength just don't allow me to use the correct posture... a good heel-strike requires lifting your knees and a bigger step.
A scramble of my mumbles, rambles and trembles. Let them all rest in the blog so I don't have to crumble.
Saturday, March 31, 2007
Friday, March 30, 2007
A story of interactive marketing
Quoted from Adage.com:
Jan Leth, executive creative director of OgilvyInteractive North America, told a funny little story about an agency assignment for Six Flags.
"They had a promotion for their 45th anniversary. They wanted to give away 45,000 tickets for opening day to drive traffic. So we got a brief to do whatever: ads, microsite, whatever. But our interactive creative director just went off and posted it on Craigslist. Five hours later, 45,000 tickets were spoken for.
"No photo shoot. No after-shoot drinks at Shutters," he adds, with faux regret. Then, with somewhat less irony: "Now, the trick is, how do you get paid?"
Jan Leth, executive creative director of OgilvyInteractive North America, told a funny little story about an agency assignment for Six Flags.
"They had a promotion for their 45th anniversary. They wanted to give away 45,000 tickets for opening day to drive traffic. So we got a brief to do whatever: ads, microsite, whatever. But our interactive creative director just went off and posted it on Craigslist. Five hours later, 45,000 tickets were spoken for.
"No photo shoot. No after-shoot drinks at Shutters," he adds, with faux regret. Then, with somewhat less irony: "Now, the trick is, how do you get paid?"
Boy Butter - KY for gay
Saturday, March 24, 2007
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
Tuesday, March 20, 2007
Friday, March 16, 2007
香港自2000年開始實行勾地政策, 自始香港政府不再主動拍賣土地, 改為把可供出售的土地列出, 有興趣的發展商申請勾地, 再由政府公開拍賣, 而申請勾地的發展商則需保證最低出價.
表面看來, 這一政策把土地的供應量交由市場決定, 把香港地價交付經濟的無形之手. 而勾地亦可保證了政府不會賤賣土地... 很合符自由經濟的思維吧! 事實是這樣嗎?
首先, 申請勾地的發展商必須交保證金, 而香港的地產商人亦過度集中少數富豪. 這一個政策無形中是把土地供應量的決定權交到少數的地產商人手上: 他們覺有需要才去勾地, 他們不勾地, 便沒有土地供應.
地產商人可以控制了土地供應後, 他們又會用甚麼準則去決定何時供應土地呢? 答案一字咁淺: 利潤! 由於政府退出私人物業市場, 私人物業的需求彈性相對上是低的: 只要一個家庭收入不符公屋資格, 便必須租/買私人物業, 即使要減低其他生活的質素, 也總要有個地方居住吧! 所以私人物業的需求是低彈性的. 需求曲線大約是這樣:

由於供應是少數商人決定, 地產商可以輕易地達成默契, 把土地供應設定到能賺取最大利潤的水平... 即是上圖中鈄線上供應少, 價錢貴的一點.
事實上, 近年一手樓供應每年約萬多單位, 比從前2-3萬多單位少了很多, 而樓價近年亦是慢慢上升. 樓價唔會升到市民買唔起, 但又唔會去到大家覺得平既水平. 總之, 大家預左捱貴樓, 預左同地產商打半世工啦!!
我唔係經濟專家, 以上分析如有命中, 實屬不幸.
表面看來, 這一政策把土地的供應量交由市場決定, 把香港地價交付經濟的無形之手. 而勾地亦可保證了政府不會賤賣土地... 很合符自由經濟的思維吧! 事實是這樣嗎?
首先, 申請勾地的發展商必須交保證金, 而香港的地產商人亦過度集中少數富豪. 這一個政策無形中是把土地供應量的決定權交到少數的地產商人手上: 他們覺有需要才去勾地, 他們不勾地, 便沒有土地供應.
地產商人可以控制了土地供應後, 他們又會用甚麼準則去決定何時供應土地呢? 答案一字咁淺: 利潤! 由於政府退出私人物業市場, 私人物業的需求彈性相對上是低的: 只要一個家庭收入不符公屋資格, 便必須租/買私人物業, 即使要減低其他生活的質素, 也總要有個地方居住吧! 所以私人物業的需求是低彈性的. 需求曲線大約是這樣:
由於供應是少數商人決定, 地產商可以輕易地達成默契, 把土地供應設定到能賺取最大利潤的水平... 即是上圖中鈄線上供應少, 價錢貴的一點.
事實上, 近年一手樓供應每年約萬多單位, 比從前2-3萬多單位少了很多, 而樓價近年亦是慢慢上升. 樓價唔會升到市民買唔起, 但又唔會去到大家覺得平既水平. 總之, 大家預左捱貴樓, 預左同地產商打半世工啦!!
我唔係經濟專家, 以上分析如有命中, 實屬不幸.
曾生竟然舉電影製作做例子! 如果唔係屋企人一齊睇緊電視, 我一定爆粗!!
Centro 呢間公司係香港已經有好多年歷史, 80年代未期至90年代早期已經同另一間公司 (好似叫PPS 定咩名... ) 雄霸廣告/電影等既後期製作市場, 當時已經有好多東南亞區既後期製作要黎香港做. 至於 Manford 果時係一個較細既movie特技公司, 以廣告客戶為主. 到90年代中後期先開始做電影.
呢d公司全部係未有數碼港之前已經係行內出晒名, 佢地既出現及成功完全同數碼港冇關係. 曾生 quote 呢d例子就好似一d 濕九政黨宣傳 "成功爭取乜乜物物" 既橫額一樣 -- 專呃阿婆. 數碼港對推動香港高科技發展係無任何幫助.
曾生竟然舉電影製作做例子! 如果唔係屋企人一齊睇緊電視, 我一定爆粗!!
Centro 呢間公司係香港已經有好多年歷史, 80年代未期至90年代早期已經同另一間公司 (好似叫PPS 定咩名... ) 雄霸廣告/電影等既後期製作市場, 當時已經有好多東南亞區既後期製作要黎香港做. 至於 Manford 果時係一個較細既movie特技公司, 以廣告客戶為主. 到90年代中後期先開始做電影.
呢d公司全部係未有數碼港之前已經係行內出晒名, 佢地既出現及成功完全同數碼港冇關係. 曾生 quote 呢d例子就好似一d 濕九政黨宣傳 "成功爭取乜乜物物" 既橫額一樣 -- 專呃阿婆. 數碼港對推動香港高科技發展係無任何幫助.
Thursday, March 15, 2007
Saturday, March 10, 2007
成立電影基金既目的是甚麼? 是為了有人可以投資拍電影, 讓電影人有工開? 還是讓新的電影意念及製作人更容易有一個機會, 好使香港電影業能發展起來? 如果是前者, 則香港政府可能要投資在數以百計的行業了: 假髮; 膠花; 中藥; 晶片; 出版; 網站製作; .... 真是不得了!
如果目的是讓新的電影意念及製作人更容易有一個機會, 那就不用過份考慮商業因素吧! 如果商業的考慮是有利可圖, 還用政府投資嗎? 我一早就 blog 文提及政府不應成立這樣的基金. 但如今決定了總要做好它, 但基金還未成立便要出來說或有虧蝕機會, 這畏首畏尾的政府唔死都冇用!
成立電影基金既目的是甚麼? 是為了有人可以投資拍電影, 讓電影人有工開? 還是讓新的電影意念及製作人更容易有一個機會, 好使香港電影業能發展起來? 如果是前者, 則香港政府可能要投資在數以百計的行業了: 假髮; 膠花; 中藥; 晶片; 出版; 網站製作; .... 真是不得了!
如果目的是讓新的電影意念及製作人更容易有一個機會, 那就不用過份考慮商業因素吧! 如果商業的考慮是有利可圖, 還用政府投資嗎? 我一早就 blog 文提及政府不應成立這樣的基金. 但如今決定了總要做好它, 但基金還未成立便要出來說或有虧蝕機會, 這畏首畏尾的政府唔死都冇用!
New Mizuno shoes
Had a first try on my new Mizuno Wave Inspire 3 this morning. Overall, it's good. But the cushioning at the mid-sole should have been better.
Thursday, March 08, 2007
Running Shoes
It's a headache to shop running shoes in HK, if you are real serious about it.
I am heavy, jogging on a hard concrete road, moderate pronation, and have knee problem. Therefore I need to be careful to choose the right shoe. Otherwise I'll suffer from knee or muscle pain. I've been there.
Although shoes manufacturers spent a lot of money to design running shoes for different people with different needs, there are not much information around on how to choose one. New Balance has a little leaflet about how their running shoes catagorized, but not very though. Similar info for other brands is not available, not even in their HK websites.
The shop keepers are not knowledgeable enough, even at the Adidas / Nike shops. I shopped in MK tonight, and decided I cannot choose one without searching on the web. Seaching the web for reviews, I am VERY SURPRISED to find that there is a shoes review page under the Singapore Sports Council website!! No wonder Singaporians laughed on the HK Marathron.... They are just more serious in it; versus the HK marathron (especially 10km race) has because a grand walkathron.
Yes, I have some basic idea about which models to choose. May go shopping tomorrow.
I am heavy, jogging on a hard concrete road, moderate pronation, and have knee problem. Therefore I need to be careful to choose the right shoe. Otherwise I'll suffer from knee or muscle pain. I've been there.
Although shoes manufacturers spent a lot of money to design running shoes for different people with different needs, there are not much information around on how to choose one. New Balance has a little leaflet about how their running shoes catagorized, but not very though. Similar info for other brands is not available, not even in their HK websites.
The shop keepers are not knowledgeable enough, even at the Adidas / Nike shops. I shopped in MK tonight, and decided I cannot choose one without searching on the web. Seaching the web for reviews, I am VERY SURPRISED to find that there is a shoes review page under the Singapore Sports Council website!! No wonder Singaporians laughed on the HK Marathron.... They are just more serious in it; versus the HK marathron (especially 10km race) has because a grand walkathron.
Yes, I have some basic idea about which models to choose. May go shopping tomorrow.
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
Jog Log 100
01 05/25/05 2800 23 00 7.304
02 05/29/05 3550 28 00 7.607
03 05/28/05 3550 27 00 7.889
04 06/02/05 4300 32 00 8.063
05 06/12/05 4300 30 00 8.600
06 06/13/05 4300 30 00 8.600
07 07/02/05 3550 24 00 8.875
08 07/03/05 3550 24 00 8.875
09 07/29/05 3550 25 00 8.520
10 07/31/05 4300 30 30 8.459
11 08/03/05 4300 31 30 8.190
12 08/05/05 5600 41 20 8.129
13 08/11/05 5600 41 00 8.195
14 08/24/05 5600 39 50 8.435
15 08/25/05 5600 38 40 8.690
16 08/27/05 5600 38 40 8.690
17 08/31/05 5600 38 45 8.671
18 09/03/05 5600 38 15 8.784
19 09/04/05 5600 38 40 8.690
20 09/07/05 4300 30 00 8.600
21 09/08/05 5600 38 20 8.765
22 09/09/05 5600 38 40 8.690
23 09/11/05 5600 39 40 8.471
24 09/16/05 5600 35 10 9.555
25 09/17/05 5600 39 15 8.561
26 09/23/05 5600 37 20 9.000
27 10/02/05 5600 38 08 8.811
28 10/07/05 5600 38 15 8.784
29 10/09/05 5600 37 05 9.061
30 10/11/05 5600 36 10 9.290
31 10/14/05 5600 38 40 8.690
32 10/18/05 5600 38 40 8.690
33 10/20/05 5600 38 05 8.823
34 10/21/05 5600 38 35 8.708
35 10/26/05 5600 38 05 8.823
36 11/01/05 5600 38 30 8.727
37 11/03/05 5600 36 10 9.290
38 12/03/05 5600 37 15 9.020
39 12/10/05 5600 37 55 8.862
40 12/13/05 5600 35 50 9.377
41 12/20/05 5600 37 10 9.040
42 12/22/05 5600 37 40 8.920
43 01/01/06 5600 38 05 8.823
44 01/03/06 5600 37 20 9.000
45 01/19/06 5600 38 00 8.842
46 02/01/06 5600 38 10 8.803
47 02/20/06 5600 37 15 9.020
48 02/25/06 5600 37 05 9.061
49 04/06/06 2000 11 10 10.74
50 04/18/06 5600 39 45 8.453
51 04/22/06 3550 24 30 8.694
52 05/09/06 3550 24 20 8.753
53 05/11/06 3550 24 00 8.875
54 05/24/06 3550 23 30 9.064
55 07/11/06 3550 24 40 8.635
56 07/13/06 4300 29 25 8.771
57 07/18/06 4300 29 08 8.856
58 07/19/06 4300 29 12 8.836
59 07/23/06 4300 29 33 8.731
60 07/26/06 4300 29 13 8.831
61 07/27/06 4300 28 31 9.047
62 08/17/06 4300 29 13 8.831
63 08/23/06 4300 29 29 8.751
64 08/25/06 4300 29 28 8.756
65 08/30/06 4300 28 27 9.069
66 09/04/06 4300 28 45 8.974
67 10/03/06 4300 29 02 8.886
68 10/05/06 4300 28 45 8.974
69 10/11/06 4300 28 20 9.106
70 10/17/06 4300 28 20 9.106
71 10/18/06 4300 28 25 9.079
72 10/23/06 4300 27 50 9.269
73 10/25/06 4300 27 45 9.297
74 10/31/06 4300 27 28 9.393
75 11/01/06 4300 27 30 9.382
76 11/05/06 4300 27 36 9.348
77 11/06/06 5600 35 30 9.465
78 11/10/06 4300 26 55 9.585
79 11/12/06 5600 35 25 9.487
80 11/17/06 5600 35 42 9.412
81 11/20/06 5600 34 54 9.628
82 12/25/06 4300 28 10 9.160
83 01/10/07 4300 28 20 9.106
84 01/11/07 4300 28 10 9.160
85 01/14/07 4300 27 24 9.416
86 01/30/07 4300 28 24 9.085
87 01/31/07 4300 27 27 9.399
88 02/04/07 4300 27 54 9.247
89 02/07/07 4300 27 11 9.491
90 02/08/07 4300 27 13 9.479
91 02/12/07 4300 27 06 9.520
92 02/14/07 4300 26 30 9.736
93 02/15/07 4300 26 09 9.866
94 02/20/07 4300 27 04 9.532
95 02/22/07 4300 25 42 10.03
96 02/23/07 4300 26 05 9.891
97 02/26/07 5600 33 51 9.926
98 02/28/07 5600 34 26 9.758
99 03/01/07 5600 34 08 9.844
100 03/04/07 4300 27 20 9.439
01 05/25/05 2800 23 00 7.304
02 05/29/05 3550 28 00 7.607
03 05/28/05 3550 27 00 7.889
04 06/02/05 4300 32 00 8.063
05 06/12/05 4300 30 00 8.600
06 06/13/05 4300 30 00 8.600
07 07/02/05 3550 24 00 8.875
08 07/03/05 3550 24 00 8.875
09 07/29/05 3550 25 00 8.520
10 07/31/05 4300 30 30 8.459
11 08/03/05 4300 31 30 8.190
12 08/05/05 5600 41 20 8.129
13 08/11/05 5600 41 00 8.195
14 08/24/05 5600 39 50 8.435
15 08/25/05 5600 38 40 8.690
16 08/27/05 5600 38 40 8.690
17 08/31/05 5600 38 45 8.671
18 09/03/05 5600 38 15 8.784
19 09/04/05 5600 38 40 8.690
20 09/07/05 4300 30 00 8.600
21 09/08/05 5600 38 20 8.765
22 09/09/05 5600 38 40 8.690
23 09/11/05 5600 39 40 8.471
24 09/16/05 5600 35 10 9.555
25 09/17/05 5600 39 15 8.561
26 09/23/05 5600 37 20 9.000
27 10/02/05 5600 38 08 8.811
28 10/07/05 5600 38 15 8.784
29 10/09/05 5600 37 05 9.061
30 10/11/05 5600 36 10 9.290
31 10/14/05 5600 38 40 8.690
32 10/18/05 5600 38 40 8.690
33 10/20/05 5600 38 05 8.823
34 10/21/05 5600 38 35 8.708
35 10/26/05 5600 38 05 8.823
36 11/01/05 5600 38 30 8.727
37 11/03/05 5600 36 10 9.290
38 12/03/05 5600 37 15 9.020
39 12/10/05 5600 37 55 8.862
40 12/13/05 5600 35 50 9.377
41 12/20/05 5600 37 10 9.040
42 12/22/05 5600 37 40 8.920
43 01/01/06 5600 38 05 8.823
44 01/03/06 5600 37 20 9.000
45 01/19/06 5600 38 00 8.842
46 02/01/06 5600 38 10 8.803
47 02/20/06 5600 37 15 9.020
48 02/25/06 5600 37 05 9.061
49 04/06/06 2000 11 10 10.74
50 04/18/06 5600 39 45 8.453
51 04/22/06 3550 24 30 8.694
52 05/09/06 3550 24 20 8.753
53 05/11/06 3550 24 00 8.875
54 05/24/06 3550 23 30 9.064
55 07/11/06 3550 24 40 8.635
56 07/13/06 4300 29 25 8.771
57 07/18/06 4300 29 08 8.856
58 07/19/06 4300 29 12 8.836
59 07/23/06 4300 29 33 8.731
60 07/26/06 4300 29 13 8.831
61 07/27/06 4300 28 31 9.047
62 08/17/06 4300 29 13 8.831
63 08/23/06 4300 29 29 8.751
64 08/25/06 4300 29 28 8.756
65 08/30/06 4300 28 27 9.069
66 09/04/06 4300 28 45 8.974
67 10/03/06 4300 29 02 8.886
68 10/05/06 4300 28 45 8.974
69 10/11/06 4300 28 20 9.106
70 10/17/06 4300 28 20 9.106
71 10/18/06 4300 28 25 9.079
72 10/23/06 4300 27 50 9.269
73 10/25/06 4300 27 45 9.297
74 10/31/06 4300 27 28 9.393
75 11/01/06 4300 27 30 9.382
76 11/05/06 4300 27 36 9.348
77 11/06/06 5600 35 30 9.465
78 11/10/06 4300 26 55 9.585
79 11/12/06 5600 35 25 9.487
80 11/17/06 5600 35 42 9.412
81 11/20/06 5600 34 54 9.628
82 12/25/06 4300 28 10 9.160
83 01/10/07 4300 28 20 9.106
84 01/11/07 4300 28 10 9.160
85 01/14/07 4300 27 24 9.416
86 01/30/07 4300 28 24 9.085
87 01/31/07 4300 27 27 9.399
88 02/04/07 4300 27 54 9.247
89 02/07/07 4300 27 11 9.491
90 02/08/07 4300 27 13 9.479
91 02/12/07 4300 27 06 9.520
92 02/14/07 4300 26 30 9.736
93 02/15/07 4300 26 09 9.866
94 02/20/07 4300 27 04 9.532
95 02/22/07 4300 25 42 10.03
96 02/23/07 4300 26 05 9.891
97 02/26/07 5600 33 51 9.926
98 02/28/07 5600 34 26 9.758
99 03/01/07 5600 34 08 9.844
100 03/04/07 4300 27 20 9.439
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