Saturday, January 21, 2006

睇 amp

今晚約左人係旺角晚飯, 飯前去左睇下d amp. 始終對大陸野有d唔放心, 俾5K 去買大陸野不如俾多少少買外國貨. 聽左 NAIM 合併機 (配 Pro Ac), 無咩野好彈. 幾細緻低音控制幾好. 小問題係高音較突兀 (可能未 warm-up, 又可能 speaker 未 run-in). 不過亦唔會有咩大驚喜. 8-9k 算係咁.

又見有一部 Sugden 純A類合併. 折實價比 Naim 貴幾舊水, 都可以考慮. 不過要下次有較長時間煲完部 class-A 再試先有意思.

諗諗下... 俾錢買鏡頭不如買 amp 好過. 反正十幾支鏡都用唔晒.


Anonymous said...

The highend problem is with the Pro Ac, they are all like that. That's why I chose Sonus Faber instead.

My then new Naim took one full year of constant on to break-in. Mine just did a few months ago in September. Make sure it is hong goods.

Toby Chiu said...

Do you have any opinion about the Sugden class A?

I really like the simplicity of Naim. It doesn't even have a power switch!!

Anonymous said...

I have only heard of the brand but never the sound yet. The problem with class A amps are heat and power consumption. I was told that class A amps use maximum power as soon as you have it on. Not sure if the newer Class A amps are still hot to touch.

With Naim, you don't even need to worry about expensive power cables and power cleaning devices. I went and bought an HKD$80 straight through power bar with nothing in it and I clipped off the power indicating light bulb inside the power bar so that there is nothing between the amp and the power except the original fuse within the original power cable. But make sure you buy their speaker cables at the stated minimum length (I think it was 3.5ft a side if memory serves)though which cost a few hundred dollars but much better match than my Tara Labs TFA Return at over twice Naim's price.