Monday, August 13, 2007


新買既跑鞋我本來叫8號半, 點知間死人鞋鋪俾對8號我... 求其試一試, 因為我平時都係著8號鞋, 所以實o岩, 冇睇清楚就俾錢. 呢兩日試跑... 有少少窄. 一睇之下... 嗚嗚嗚!!!

唔知係唔係個 sales 太有經驗, 一睇就知我係著8號.....

唉, 唯有用黎行街著啦. :(


Anonymous said...

Try skipping the lowest (toes side) pair or 2 pairs of lacing holes by start lacing from the second or third pair of holes and/or try a different lacing method to see if that would help...

I skipped the lowest 2 pairs of holes and did a lace lock at the fourth pair of holes by a double knot before lacing through the fifth pair of holes of Alec's hiking boots for him during a hike, and that solved the boots from being too narrow and stopped them from scratching his pinky toes entirely and instantly.

Toby Chiu said...

Thanks James. Will try next time.