Monday, December 24, 2007

Langkawi, Day 5

We leave Langkawi early morning, as we have a 10am flight plane to catch. As promised, we just leave the rent-car unlocked at the airport and phone the rent-car company - unbelievably simple!

We transit at KL:

And return HK around 4pm. Good time to get back home, have a hot shower, a dinner, and a SILENT NIGHT..... zzzzzzzzzzzzz.................

Sunday, December 23, 2007

Langkawi, Day 4

We enjoy the not-so-big pool once more this morning. Both kid are better suit in the water, and they play quite happily there. The following photo was un-retouched: the special effect is caused by the water on the lens.

In the afternoon, we go to the Eagle Square: the famous landmark of Langkawi. We try to look enjoying in the photos, but it is really toasting like hell.

It's basically a in-car trip in the afternoon. We drive around the island, see the strange shape hills, and stop by a few spots, including Durian Perangin Fall (does it look like our Bride Pool in HK?):

The crocodile farm:

A Tanjung Rhu beach:

It is a hot day, and we loss a lot of energy even we stay most of the day inside the car. We go to dinner at the same restaurant at Pental Cenang we dine on the first night again, because it is really nice. We tried the butter fried pawn and lobster this time. Yummy!!

PS: our two family loss each other for 30 mins. It's annoying especially when we are exhausted in a hot place! Next time we really should bring a set of walkie.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

Langkawi, Day 3

After a long-day to the coral island, we stayed at the hotel for this morning. Of course, I mean the pool and the beach...

Unlike yesterday, the sun shines today. We have some nice portrait at the hotel lobby when we go out for a ride in the noon time:

We have our lunch at the Cenang Beach again. the pizza shop is not bad, but the beach and the motel house are very very nice- with a nice beach and shining sun, who need to luxury of a resort hotel?

We then drive to the Langkawi Cable Car. Wow! I think it's a must-visit if you are going to Langkawi. The cable car and the suspension bridge was built on rocky cliff (imgine building such things to our Lion Rock), quite spectacular. What's more, the Malaysian did a great job to preserve the primary forest at the area. Sigh to the ugly concrete 'service-trail' along our 360 cable car, suck HK!

The sun shined like oven today. How would it be if we go to the coral island toady? Will the water be clearer?

Friday, December 21, 2007

Langkawi, Day 2

It should be existing today: we have the tour to the famous coral platform at Pulau Payar Marine Park today.

Breakfast at hotel is okay, but there are too much India / Malaysia food that I never touch it.

When arrive, I am very disappointed: the sun is not shining, and the visibility of the water is not good at all. (The water is green, and a lot of particles in the water. Perhaps it's the algae?)

Nevertheless, Alex is very excited cause there are tons of fish for him to feed:

There are plentiful of snorkel tools on the platform. With my F10 and underwater housing, I am able to catch some glimpse of clown fish and corals:

It's extremely difficult to stable myself under-water (thanks to strong current and my natural buoyancy). I really should learn to scuba dive next time.


For dinner, we planned to drive to Kuah town again, but we loss. Instead we go to Cenang Beach and have dinner at this nice restaurant:

We have grilled tiger-pawn, it's nice. But I really recommend to try butter tiger-pawn... it's excellent (we tried that on day-4).

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Langkawi, Day 1

Making use of the Christmas holiday, I am taking a 5-day trip to Langkawi together with Allan & Janice's family. There is not direct flight from HK, so we take the 4-hour flight to KL, than transit via in-land flight.

The only public transportation on the island is taxi. So we rent this car, at RM500 for 5-day. The car-rent company don't need to check my passport or my driving license. Return the car is even more simple: I just need to park at the airport carpark, with key inside and leave the car unlock, then phone the guy. That's it.

Not bad for a 7-seater, but it's lacking of power. Is it poor maintainance?

When everything set-in, it's already dinner time. Thanks to Allan's great nevigation, we drive to Kuah town and have our dinner at a outdoor Chinese restaurant. This is the Kuah town:


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

What Does Your Birth Date Mean?

***Your Birthdate: March 17***

You tend to find yourself lucky - both in business and in life.
And while being wealthy is nice, you enjoy sharing your abundance with others.
You put your luck to good use: you are very ambitious and goal oriented.
Often times, you get over excited and take on more than you can manage.

Your strength: Your ability to make your own luck

Your weakness: Thinking you can do it all

Your power color: Bronze

Your power symbol: Half Moon

Your power month: August

Saturday, October 13, 2007

New toy

ETA: Dec, 07. White.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

A grasshopper

In my home....

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Wired wireless


A battery free wireless mouse, how a nice idea!! Too bad the mouse cannot be used on any surface but the dedicated mouse pad, which must be WIRED via the USB port.

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Friday, September 07, 2007

Saturday, September 01, 2007

又停左jogging 2星期

前個星期日可能跑前熱身太大動作, 拉傷左盤骨位, 平時都會盤骨位痛, 所以停左2星期冇跑.... 即刻肥番!!


Go Karting

$400, for 3 session, each 15 mins. The course is quite nice, but the rent-kart is not powerful enough. Anyway, want to go again next time.

(note: photo shown is not a rent-kart. These guys owned the kart, and place it at the course. Their kart is much powerful then the rent-kart... they hit around 45 sec / lap, but the rent-kart is 60 sec / lap.)

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Monday, August 20, 2007

冇咩緊要野, 唔好摷醒我....


Sunday, August 19, 2007

35.2C, 又跑

今日見好天, 4點零鐘又去跑. 見個天唔係好晒, 以為冇咩野, 冇帶水. 點知用呢排跑開既步速跑到中段, 個 heart rate 去到 174... 局住收慢... 全程平均 heart rate 都有 166...

番到屋企上天文台一check... 原來當時沙田係 35.2c, 冇咩風, 計埋 wind-chill effect... 盛惠過40c....

下次都係帶支水穩陣d... 唔係真係好易中暑!

Friday, August 17, 2007



遲成大半年都不特止, 仲要頭痛醫頭!! 咁其他食物又點呀? "礦泉水" 使唔使管呀? "低糖XXXX" 使唔使管呀? "低脂XXXX" 又使唔使管呀? "北海道XXXX" 又使唔使管呀? "蟃魚" 又點呢? "咸魚" 又如何? 而家所有"唐生菜" 唔係真正原種既唐生菜, 又點計先? "有機" 又有冇訂明先?

頂! 所有既規範都係要定個原則出黎架啦, 咁而家個原則係邊先? 如果我時間多真係逐樣食品寫信去問食物不安全中心... 答都答到佢手軟!!

食物如是, 中成藥就仲大獲... 亂過亂世佳人!!


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Wednesday, August 15, 2007



咁都得? 內地至少有兩三億係生活無依既人.... 你話會點?

呢個方案簡直係將照顧無依者呢個政府責任放在社會中富有一群人既身上. 咁政府仲有咩用?

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

A lawyer story

Get the following story via chain-mail the second time, don't know if it's true or not. The first time I read this story was a few years back, so it's not new. But I still think it's funny and can resist to blog it. There it goes.

A lawyer purchased a box of very rare and expensive cigars, then insured them against, among other things, fire.

Within a month, having smoked his entire stockpile of these great cigars and without yet having made even his first premium payment on the policy the lawyer filed a claim against the insurance company.

In his claim, the lawyer stated the cigars were lost "in a series of small fires."

The insurance company refused to pay, citing the obvious reason, that the man had consumed the cigars in the normal fashion.

The lawyer sued and WON!

(Stay with me.)

Delivering the ruling, the judge agreed with the insurance company that the claim was frivolous. The judge stated nevertheless, that the lawyer held a policy from the company, which it had warranted that the cigars were insurable and also guaranteed that it would insure them against fire, without defining what is considered to be unacceptable "fire" and was obligated to pay the claim.

Rather than endure lengthy and costly appeal process, the insurance company accepted the ruling and paid $15,000 to the lawyer for his loss of the cigars lost in the "fires".


After the lawyer cashed the check, the insurance company had him arrested on 24 counts of ARSON!!!

With his own insurance claim and testimony from the previous case being used against him, the lawyer was convicted of intentionally burning his insured property and was sentenced to 24 months in jail and a $24,000 fine.

This is a true story and was the First Place winner in the recent Criminal Lawyers Award Contest.



豬牛羊雞咩都加, 連罐頭食品都話要加價, 歸根到底又係薯仔總統做既好事, 真係多得佢唔少!!

呢個加價潮始於2006年薯仔發表左個政策, 要大大增加汽油代用品既數量達目前既4倍. 汽油代用品中最重要既一種係乙醇 (ethanol), 生產乙醇既最重要材料係粟米, 所以呢個政策令粟米價不斷上升, 至今超過一倍 (自發表該政策起計). 由於粟米為主要既飼料, 所以養豬牛雞既成本大增, 導致乜都要加價既局面.

搭飛機去旅行麻麻煩煩都係因為阿薯仔, 都算! 畢竟我唔係成日搭飛機. 而家朝朝食既餐蛋麵要加一蚊雞, 茲事體大, 一定要朝朝咒薯仔, 等佢夜夜眼眉跳, 以發洩我心頭之不快!!

Monday, August 13, 2007


新買既跑鞋我本來叫8號半, 點知間死人鞋鋪俾對8號我... 求其試一試, 因為我平時都係著8號鞋, 所以實o岩, 冇睇清楚就俾錢. 呢兩日試跑... 有少少窄. 一睇之下... 嗚嗚嗚!!!

唔知係唔係個 sales 太有經驗, 一睇就知我係著8號.....

唉, 唯有用黎行街著啦. :(

Sunday, August 12, 2007


某人說: "下世投胎我一定要做豬, 仲要做豬公!"
他人問: "點解呢?"
某人答: "豬公成世豬只係做三樣野: 食, 睡, 配種. 你話幾咁正呢!!"

Saturday, August 11, 2007


點解選港姐既出黎行行企企就掂, 而選港男就又要打筋斗又要跳火圈??

Thursday, August 09, 2007




Another pair of running shoes

When I jog more, I need another pair of shoes for interchange. So I get the Wave Elixir 2, at MK for $349. Nice price!

Thou I get mine at Wan Kee, I really would like to suggest Athletics Nation at MK. The boss is a really nice guy, and professional enough to give me many advise in choosing jogging shoes as well as my jog training. He is willing to continue advising me, even thou he knew I am not going to buy from them (Wave Inspire 3 is really ideal for me and my purpose, but I already have one pair. Wave Elixir 2 also suits me, but they don't have my size). The best thing is, the boss will tell me which model is not suitable for me, even I told him that I like the style... This is the second time I prepared to buy but can get what I wanted at Athletics Nation: the first time was when I shop for the Casio Heart Rate Monitor. Too bad.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Forerunner 305

A GPS + Heart-rate-monitor watch. It can keep track the jogging distance via it's GPS, quite interesting.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


打去 1823:
"等我查一查..... 應該有個 "公眾場所娛樂牌照", 要向食環處申請. 你可以打去 xxxxxxxx 食環處牌照部問"
(好快好清楚, 抵讚!)

"係唔係食環署牌照部? 我想問一問 "公眾場所娛樂牌照" 係管d咩野?"
"errrr... 我呢個部唔負責呢個牌, 請問你邊一區邊條街架? 我俾分區辦事處既電話你打去問啦"
"乜而家香港唔同地區有唔同法例既咩? 點解你要知咩區呀?"
"errrrrr..... 因為呢個牌唔係總部負責既, 所以要分區辦事處先知詳情架...."
"我只係問個牌照管d咩咋播!! 分區負責你地總部就唔知既咩? 分區辦事處唔係總部管既咩? 總部都唔知個牌照管d咩野咁點樣管分區呀? 你成個總部牌照部冇人答倒我呢個咁基本既問題既咩??"
"errrrrrrrrrr.... 因為真係分區既幫辦負責, 總部真係唔知咩情架... 先生你邊一區架? 我俾分區電話你丫..."
"分咩區遮! 你敢唔敢話俾我聽香港唔同地區有唔同法例丫? 係既我就話俾你聽我邊一區!"
"errrrrrrrrrrrrrrr..... 又唔係既.... errrrrr"
"咁事旦一區啦.... 尖沙咀啦"
<舒一口氣地> "個電話係 xxxxxxxx, 多謝查詢......"

"係唔係尖沙咀食環處? 我想問 "公眾場所娛樂牌照" 係管咩範圍架?"
"先生你可唔可以講邊條街? 我俾番負責果位幫辦個電話係問丫"
"唔同街個法例唔同既咩? 因為商業機密, 我唔鐘意話俾你知咩街. 咁你有冇人可以答我丫?"
"d法例唔係幫辦定架下嘛? 我只係問法例既野, 冇其他人可以答既咩?"
"errrrrrrrrrr.... 咁先生你等一等啦...."

玩左一大輪.... 卒之有個人可以好清楚咁解釋左呢條咁on-q 既法例同牌照我知.... 哈!!

Sunday, July 29, 2007

34.8 C

I jogged this afternoon around 4:30, and when I back home the guard told me it is 34.8C today, the hottest day of this summer. But I actually feel very comfortable when J jog, thou the heart-rate was a little bit higher than night joggings.

640x480 - For Sales Make Love, 易易易

係呠蘭街見倒呢個車牌, 難免有所聯想....

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

念, 國皇!

It's 'Hard' to Believe

偉哥既廣告 headline....

你會點譯做中文 headline 呢? 早大約半年海底隧道口有個同樣既廣告牌, 上面譯做 "硬到你唔信!". 而家地鐵廣告牌就凈番英文 headline, 好明顯係唔滿意個中文翻譯.

我就會咁譯: 信 "硬" 佢!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007



日頭最熱時就冇, 夜晚就開咩避暑中心..... 真係R穿頭!!

話時話, D 避暑中心有冇冷氣既呢??

Monday, July 23, 2007

Print your ad on banana leaves

As reported here, Ads for Toyota were printed on banana leaves and inserted in copies of Semana.

Fastest internet connection

at 40Gb/s. Yes, that's 5GB/s, nearly 1000 times faster than my IMS.

This would be real interesting, if music and video start their online distribution channel seriously. Without that, what for?

Sunday, July 22, 2007

New video of Alex on Piano



Alex the fish

Alex started to learn swimming this summer. He can't swim yet, but he loves to dive.